100 best beaches in the world by CNN 2017 – # 78. Jeffreys Bay, South Africa


Jeffreys Bay’s legendary breaks attract top surfers to the annual Billabong Pro ASP World Tour surfing event. Nearby lagoons make ideal venues for boardsailing and canoeing. The Seekoei River Nature Reserve, a haven for rare birds, is nearby.

Highlight: Migrating whales pass by the bay to give birth every season.

Want to visit? Check out this link

100 Top World Beaches by CNN 2017- # 97. Coffee Bay, Wild Coast, South Africa

Bilderesultat for Coffee Bay, Wild Coast, South Africa


With cliffs that plummet and green hills that roll into the turbulent waters of the Indian Ocean, this is one moody beach. Hole In The Wall (five miles up the road from Coffee Bay) is a spectacular rock just out to sea at the mouth of the Mpako River.

Good to know: The best way to see this beautiful stretch of coastline is to walk it.

Want to visit? Check out this site https://coffeebay.co.za/